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Sliding Scale Pricing

IPEC follows a sliding scale pricing model provided by Embracing Equity, Tier 4 being the most affordable, Tier 1 providing the opportunity to pay it forward and contribute to the scholarship fundings. Trusting in the self-selection process, and providing with limited slots in each tier, IPEC will not require or request proof of income.​


A guide to Embracing Equity's sliding scale can be found at the bottom of this page.

SAG-AFTRA accredited training

Created by the IPEC syllabus team
All Rights Reserved

Starting from square one, or continuing education to support a professional career? IPEC's a la cart training has your back, wherever you are in your process.

ID | IC | IE tracks available

No Application Required. Modules will be released as they are ready. 

Sign up for our mailing list for updates!

Scholarship Information Coming Soon

Not all sections must be completed via IPEC training program, however, accountability conversations and labs must be completed to show understanding of the knowledge


Hours from in person workshops can be applied to credit hours

Our Model

  • Lectures can be viewed on a singular basis

  • For credit hours from IPEC, a Lecture/Lab Series must be completed

  • Lecture/Lab can be completed even if you don't want to do full accreditation

Module 1
 What is an Intimacy Professional?
Introduction to Intimacy 


    Introduction to Intimacy (Free)

  1.  Consent and Power

  2. Elements of the Intimacy Profession 

  3. Introduction to ID / IC / IE 

  4. Consent and Self care

appx. total - 10 hr.


       Tier 1       Tier 2        Tier 3           Tier 4 

        $45          $55          $65              $75

        $45          $55          $65              $75

        $60          $75           $90             $100 

        $60          $75           $90             $100 




Video Total

     $210         $ 260        $310           $350

All mentor hours are priced the same per hour.
Number of mentor hours varies per module.

​        Tier 1                    Tier 2                Tier 3                   Tier 4

   $75 per hr        $85 per hr        $95 per hr         $100 per hr


Module 1 Lab
Consent and Movement

appx. 3 hrs


                    Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 4

Lab 1          $225       $250       $275        $300

Lab 2         $150        $165        $185        $200

Lab 3         $150        $165        $185        $200


Lab Total


                   $600       $665       $740       $800​

Mentor Hour

​        Tier 1                   Tier 2                  Tier 3                    Tier 4

   $75 per hr        $85 per hr        $95 per hr         $100 per hr​​

Module 1 Total

​Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 4

$810        $925      $1050       $1150

Module 2 
Intimacy and Intersectionality

appx. 10 hrs total



    Intro - Sexual Dramaturgy, Culture & Identity (Free)

  1.  Gender - Beyond the Binary  *

  2.  LGBTQIA2S+ *

  3.  Race & Identity *

  4.  Ability *

  5.  Intersectionality and multiplicity of identity *



  Tier 1       Tier 2       Tier 3       Tier 4

  $60          $75          $90          $100


Video Total   


$300        $375        $450        $500

Module 2 Labs
Identity and Intimacy


appx. 12 hrs

4 Mentor Conversations appx. 6 hrs



               Tier 1          Tier 2       Tier 3          Tier 4

Lab 1     $150            $165         $180           $200

Lab 2    $225           $250        $275          $300

Lab 3    $225           $250        $275          $300

Lab 4    $225           $250        $275          $300


Lab Total


             $1050          $1070       $1295         $1400

Mentor Hours

​        Tier 1                    Tier 2                  Tier 3                   Tier 4

   $75 per hr         $85 per hr        $95 per hr         $100 per hr


Module 2 Total

​      Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3       Tier 4

  $1350        $1545       $1745       $1900

Module 3
Bystander Intervention, Anti-Harassment and Conflict Resolution

4 videos - appx. 8 hours
  1. Accountability & Intentional Apology 

  2. Reporting paths, anti-harassment, power, anti-sexual harassment *

  3. What is trauma / Scope of practice / Bystander intervention *

  4. Trauma Informed Care and non-violent communication for IC / ID / IE *

Self care and closure course (Free)



Tier 1         Tier 2         Tier 3         Tier 4

$60            $75            $90             $100


Video Total


$240         $300          $360          $400


Module 3 Labs 
Split into ID | IC | IE Tracks

appx. 10 hrs total


  •              Tier 1      Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 4

  • Lab 1   $225       $250      $275        $300

  • Lab 2  $150        $165       $185        $200
    Lab 3  $150        $165       $185        $200


Lab Total


                   $525       $580      $645      $700



Mentor Hours

​        Tier 1                 Tier 2               Tier 3                Tier 4

   $75 per hr      $85 per hr     $95 per hr      $100 per hr


Module 3 Total Cost

Tier 1            Tier 2            Tier 3            Tier 4
$1065         $1220           $1385           $1500
Module 4
Staging Hyper Exposed Scenes
7 videos - appx. 9 hrs


  1. Kissing *

  2.  Modesty Garments, Barriers, Props and Kit 

  3. Intercourse 

  4. Outercourse

  5. Considerations Nudity (ID/IC/IE) 

  6.  Kink (sex-positive conversations and specialties)

  7. Specialty acting/movement techniques (pick at least 1)


T​​Tier 1      Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 4

  $120       $145         $175        $200

  $30        $40          $45         $50       j$30        $40          $45         $50 

  $30        $40          $45         $50

  $30        $40          $45         $50

  $30        $40          $45         $50


  $30        $40          $45         $50


Video Total


 $270      $345        $400       $450


Module 4 Labs
Staging Simulated Sex
appx. 16-20 hr

                Tier 1      Tier 2      Tier 3    Tier 4

Lab 1      $225      $250      $275      $300

Lab 2      $225      $250      $275      $300

Lab 3      $300      $345      $375      $400

Lab 4      $300      $345      $375      $400


Lab Total


Lab 4      $1050      $1050      $1300      $1400


Mentor Hours

​        Tier 1                    Tier 2                  Tier 3                   Tier 4

   $75 per hr         $85 per hr        $95 per hr         $100 per hr


Module 4 Total Cost

Tier 1            Tier 2            Tier 3            Tier 4
$1770         $2050           $2265           $2450
Module 5
Review and Set Etiquette
Each Video Costs Between $100 - $30

6 videos - appx. 10 hrs



  1.  Set Etiquette / Life on Set

  2.  Prep / Pre-Production 

  3. Production - On the Day

  4.  Wrapping it up 

  5.  Networking and getting your next gig

  6. Choreographing for camera (required for ICs)

Tier 1       Tier 2       Tier 3       Tier 4​​


$60          $75          $90          $100​

$60          $75          $90          $100
$60          $75          $90          $100

$30          $40          $45          $50
$30          $40          $45          $50

$60          $75          $90          $100


Video Total


$270        $305       $450       $500

Module 5 Labs
On The Day
Appx. 8 hrs


Tier 1         Tier 2         Tier 3         Tier 4

Lab 1  $150          $165           $185           $200

Lab 2 $300         $345         $375           $400

Lab 3 $150          $165           $185           $200


Lab Total


           $800         $925         $1025         $1100


Mentor Hours

​        Tier 1                    Tier 2                  Tier 3                   Tier 4

   $75 per hr         $85 per hr        $95 per hr         $100 per hr


Module 5 Total Cost

Tier 1            Tier 2            Tier 3            Tier 4
$1065         $1220           $1385         $1500

Total IC Accreditation Cost

Tier 1            Tier 2            Tier 3            Tier 4
$6095         $7045           $7920         $8600

Embracing Equity Sliding Scale

Consider Tiers 4-3 if you:
  • own the home you live in

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel for recreation

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • work part time or are unemployed by choice, including unemployment due to full-time school in a degree-earning program

  • have a relatively high degree of earning power due to the level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class, background, etc.)

Consider Tiers 3-2 if you:
  • are single and / or without dependents

  • are able to repay your student loans, are in repayment, or have paid off your student loans

  • have employer health insurance and / or other employer benefits

  • have reliable daily transportation

  • are able to miss work either for sickness or leisure and are still able to pay next month's bills

  • travel when needed especially for an unexpected occasion like a family funeral or emergency


Consider Tiers 2-1 if you:
  • are supporting children or have other dependents

  • have significant debt

  • have medical expenses not covered by insurance

  • are eligible for public assistane

  • have immigration-related expenses

  • are an elder with limited financial support

  • are an unpaid community organizer

  • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

  • experience discrimination in hiring or pay level

  • are descended from enslaved and / or indigenous people

Embracing Equity
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